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the remembering body

the trevisa project was installed at the Newlyn Art Gallery in November, 2013

the gallery space functioned as an alternative book with stories on the walls that connected to the life of Trevisa and the site of Glasney College

the contents of the room were simultaneously available in an interactive e-book, also on display

everyone who chatted to me about the project was invited to participate in it, by having their portrait recorded while remembering how to make a shadow bird with their hands

at the end of the residency I made an aggregate of the shadows of all the people who had passed through the space

at the end of my time there this portrait was projected onto a screen, to be viewed through an aperture in a hide for shadow birds that I had woven from willow withies throughout the residency

the shadow-hide will be installed at Falmouth University as part of SensingSite in April, 2014

more shadow portraits will be collected and archived in the e-book

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